Monday, January 6, 2014

43 Men of Indie Horror

Happy New Year Indie Horror fans! 

Looking back over the year 2013, so many people were involved and working hard in Indie Horror. I have already posted one list of 35 Women and now one for the men. The list makes up a variety of men who impressed me with their drive for excellence in 2013. For the record, there were more than 35, but since I cut off my long list of names at 35, will do so for the men. However, since the list for the women was added on plus 8, only fair to do same for the guys making the new total 43. 

 If you didn't make the list, please don't think it an oversight or feel offended, because there are so many men out there that deserve recognition for their efforts and successes this past year. Fans of Charred Remains are welcome to post additional names in the comments. 

Brian Dorton - Director
Chuck Norfolk - Director
Billy Pon - Director
Loyd Cryer - Owner of Texas Frightmare Weekend
Drew Daywalt - Writer/Director/Producer
Chad Archibald - Director
Ry Barrett - Actor/Producer
Gabriel Carrer -Director
Ryan M. Andrews - Director
L. Gustavo Cooper - Director 
Bill Oberst, Jr.- Actor
Creep Creepersin - Writer/Director/Producer/Musician
Thomas L. Phillips - Director
Brandon Slagle - Director/Actor
Christopher Giroux - Director/Actor
Rick Greenwood, Jr. - Director
Jay Luna - Host of The Phantom Zone Radio Show (1 of 2 hosts)
Parrish Randall - Actor
Jimmyo Burril - Director/Producer/Actor
Anthony Gutierrez - Cinematographer
Cody Calahan - Director
Steve McGinnis - Artist
Skip Shea - Director
Pearry Teo - Director/Writer/Producer
Robert Nolan - Actor/Editor/Producer
Tyler Mane - Actor/Producer/Writer
Jeremy Sumrall - Director
Kevin Sommerfield - Producer/Writer/Actor
Mike Patton - Writer/Musician/ Podcaster/Magazine Publisher
James DePaolo - Blogger
Rickey Russell - Blogger
Corpse Cast (Mike Cadaver/Shane Diablo*) - Reviewers/Podcasters
*Shane is drummer for DieMonsterDie
Robert Poole - Founder of Indie Horror TV
Torin Langen - Writer/Director/Cinematographer
Patrick Rea - Director/Writer/Producer
Todd Card - Writer
Marcus Sabom - Director
Mark Crow - Artist
Larry Carrell - Director
Demon-Boy - Musician
Greg Petaloudis - CEO Diabolique Magazine
Kelly Michael Stewart - Festival Director of The Blood in the Snow Canadian Horror Film Festival

Suggestions from fans of Charred Remains or others listed below.
Keenan Powell suggested Steve Hudgins - Writer/Director/ActorWriter/Director
Emi suggested Jeffrey J. Timbrell - Writer/Director/SFX/Critic


  1. Anonymous suggested Antonio Pantoja. Visit his website:

  2. Thanks for the recognition..I fuckin' love indie horror! Made my day!!


    1. :) You have had a good year, congrats Anthony!

  4. David Madison suggested Edward X Young. Visit his IMDb page: . Thanks David!

  5. What a great list! I would also love to suggest Jeffery J. Timbrell -
    I've worked with him on a number of projects and he's a fantastic horror writer, director, and critic.

  6. Adam Albrandt and Joe Stauffer

    Adam for Cross Bearer and The Cemetery, two fantastic indie films.

    Joe for Pieces of Talent ~~ Beautiful horror

    Great list!
